5/2/2/1 CON 0001 (2020/2021) APPOINTMENT OF A CONTRACTOR FOR SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF MOBILE PREFABRICATED OFFICES, BOARDROOM, COLD ROOM, ABLUTION FACILITIES INCLUDING PAVING, STORAGE TANKS, CONSERVANCY TANK AND FENCING FOR TARLTON FARMER PRODUCTION SUPPORT UNIT(FPSU) IN MOGALE CITY LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, WESTRAND DISTRICT, GAUTENG PROVINCE. Bidders must be registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and should have a minimum CIDB Contractor grading of 3GB or 3CE or higher. Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA), Act no. 5 of 2000 read together with Preferential Procurement Regulations of 2017 is applicable . The 80/20 Preference Point system will be applied where a maximum of Eighty (80) tender adjudication points will be awarded for price and Twenty (20) points will be awarded for preference. Bids will also be evaluated on local content as indicated below. The stipulated minimum threshold(s) for local production and content for this bid is/are as follows: Description of services, works or goods Stipulated minimum threshold STIPULATED MINIMUM THRESHOLD FOR CONVERSION PROCESSESS FOR LOCAL PRODUCTION AND CONTENT FOR STEEL PRODUCTS AND COMPONENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION STEEL CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL COMPONENTS % LOCAL CONTENT THRESHOLD Wire Products: Item: 2.2.1 All fencing products: all barbed wire and mesh fencing, fabric/mesh reinforcing, gabions, wire rope/strand and chains, welding electrodes, nails/tacks, springs and screws 100% STIPULATED MINIMUM THRESHOLD FOR LOCAL PRODUCTION AND CONTENT FOR ELECTRICAL CABLE PRODUCTS CABLE PRODUCTS STIPULATED MINIMUM THRESHOLD Low Voltage Item: 4.3.1 to 4.3.3 90% STIPULATED MINIMUM THRESHOLD LOCAL PRODUCTION AND CONTENT FOR OFFICE FURNITURE OFFICE FURNITURE % LOCAL CONTENT THRESHOLD Office Furniture: 5.1.2 Melamine pedestal desk 70% 5.1.4 upholstered Back racking operators chair 65% non-refundable tender deposit of R100.00 payable by cash is required on collection of the Tender documents. Bid documents shall be made available on the MONDAY, 08 FEBRUARY 2021, from the offices listed below during the following hours: Monday to Friday 08h00 to 12h45 and 13h30 to 15h30. No documents will be available or issued at the Briefing Session and should, therefore, be collected timeously beforehand., Only Cash will be Accepted. PRETORIA: Ms. R. Goolam/Mr.G.I Sekwale/ Mr C Mokala 184 Jeff Masemola Street Pretoria Tel: (012) 312 9876/9315/8369 ENQUIRIES – TECHNICAL RELATED: Gabriel Tharaga Tel: (012) 337 3600 Cell: 071 878 9655/082 970 2027 E-mail: Gabriel.Tharaga@drdlr.gov.za Kgaugelo Moreroa Tel: (012) 337 3698 Cell: 071 878 8524 E-mail: Kgaugelo.Moreroa@drdlr.gov.za ENQUIRIES – SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT RELATED: Ms. R. Goolam/Mr.G.I Sekwale/ Mr C Mokala Tel : (012) 312 8369/9876/9315 Cell: 079 529 4070 A NON-COMPULSORY VIRTUAL TENDER CLARIFICATION MEETING will be held on TUESDAY, 16 FEBRUARY 2021 at 11h00. The link will be published on the Departmental website and National Treasury e-Portal, it can also be requested from this email: Gobusamang.Sekwale@drdlr.gov.za/ Rashida.Goolam@drdlr.gov.za LINK: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NzM4ZGNhYmMtMDdkZi00OGIwLWJiYTQtZTllZGZhNjU4MGQ4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%221f792a35-02a7-4e3e-9e7a-ff40ae390cb6%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d3a919ff-d8a9-40da-b50e-d3327b0ec618%22%7d Tenderers who does not have Microsoft teams technology are required to sent their email addresses to Gobusamang.Sekwale@drdlr.gov.za/ Rashida.Goolam@drdlr.gov.za on or before Monday, 15 February 2021 Tenderers are encouraged to be in possession of the tender document and be familiar with the contents thereof. Closing date :THURSDAY, 04 MARCH 2021 @ 11:00 Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development 184 Jeff Masemola Street Old Building Pretoria Ground Floor SUBMITTING OF TENDERS – PLEASE NOTE: Tenders can only be submitted in the Tender Box in PRETORIA _____________________________________________________________